Wednesday, 28 January 2015


“Heroes make us smile because they not only rescue us outwardly, 
but inwardly too.” 
 Richelle E. Goodrich

Vitamin C, also commonly known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin, found widely in fruits especially   citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, amla(Indian gooseberry) , pineapples, strawberries and bananas and many other and even in vegetables  like cabbage, cauliflower, peas, beans, tomatoes and etc. it is not so profoundly found in animal sources except liver. In the body, vitamin C is widely distributed in various organs of the body. Thus, throwing light on the functions it performs in them.

Vitamin C is the most misunderstood and often the most neglected nutrient. We are conscious about the kind of carbohydrates and protein and even fat, we are aware about importance of calcium but vitamin C is easily taken for granted and overlooked even by the health conscious groups. Firstly, a lot of people are ignorant about vitamin and its benefits and secondly, there are a lot of myths about vitamin C which actually stripes it off of all the fame it deserves.

This knight fights!

A lot of people believe that eating a lot of citrus, tangy, sour fruits weakens bones, increases your chances of catching cold. Often doctors prescribe don’t eat “khatta” or sour fruits and foods if you are suffering from cold.  Only, if we knew the virtues of the mighty vitamin C, for they are innumerable. Investigations have revealed that vitamin c offers resistance to infections, chronic and acute, like tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis and the common cold and influenza virus. It strengthens our immunity (which basically is our army) that helps fight off these gruesome enemies.

This knight protects!

 Vitamin C being a powerful antioxidant is also a part of various oxidation -reduction reactions occurring in our body.  Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of collagen (intercellular cement like material) which is essential for the formation of bones, teeth, gums, skin and connective tissue throughout the body. This very function of vitamin c makes it useful in preventing arthritis. Various studies have concluded that people with low levels of vitamin C in their diet were more likely to develop arthritis then those whose diet is rich in vitamin C.
Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of carnitine, which helps to metabolize (burn) body fat in the cells for energy. Now that’s a magical tool for people trying to bring down their weight, a knight for their rescue. Further, vitamin C is also found to be helpful preventing deposition of plaques in the arteries.  These plaques if not taken care of can cause fatal heart attacks.

This knight saves!

Another marvelous function vitamin C performs is that it helps absorb the valuable iron from the intestine which otherwise would be excreted out of our bodies. Iron is important part of hemoglobin found in blood and therefore vitamin C is very important in preventing and treating anemia and is crucial for pregnant women and infants.
Vitamin c plays a major role in healing wounds too. So, if you have an injury or a wound which is taking a long time healing, pumping up your diets with vitamin C; juices and fruits would be great comrades’.

This knight rescues!

Many studies show that vitamin C has a calming effect in the conditions of stress- emotional, psychological and physiological. During these stressful events, the adrenal cortex hormone level increases and with its increase the level of vitamin C levels decreases.  Choosing fruits or fruit juices or lemonades next time will be a better option to distress than coffees, chocolates and other things.


Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C, affecting both children and adults. This deficiency is very common and its symptoms are likely to be ignored. The most profound Symptoms of scurvy in children include impaired wound healing, edema (swelling) hemorrhages (excessive bleeding), weakness in bones and joints, weak teeth and gums and even dryness in skin.  Deficiency of vitamin C in children can have alarming effects.  In adults with scurvy the main symptoms to watch for are swelling or bleeding in gums, weakened teeth and loss of teeth.  Lethargy and fatigue, pains in legs and loss of muscles, and psychological symptoms like hysteria and depression.

An intake of up to 200mg/day is advisable for maintaining optimum levels of vitamin C in the body for its various functions because our bodies are not capable of producing vitamin C on their own as in case of some animals and therefore we must supply it through our diets.  Vitamin C is highly sensitive and can be lost on exposure to air, prolong heating and further it is water soluble so when soaked in water for long it tends to get lost. So it is best to have fruits as fresh as possible then storing or refrigerating for long periods.

There are vitamin C supplements available in market in case of severe deficiency or increased requirements as in case of pregnant ladies, of elderly who cannot eat food, people with fractures and multiple injuries , arthritic patients , cardiac and cancer patients and chain smokers.  Most of vitamin C available in supplemental form is a mixture of chemical forms L-ascorbic acid and D- ascorbic acid. L ascorbic acid is the form in which natural vitamin C or ascorbic acid is available in nature and is what is responsible for all the functions. D-ascorbic acid is mostly of no consequence in the body. So a tip to remember while buying Vitamin C supplement is to make sure L ascorbic Acid component is more than the D ascorbic acid.

 Remember this knight, is waiting to Armour up for you all, give it a chance,  a chance well deserved for its valor and might.  Employ it and ensure a healthy, stress free life for your family. 

To keep your bones healthy and for your wounds to heal
For the precious iron and a heart full of zeal
Save up on the doctor’s nasty fee
Start now with the mighty vitamin C”
  To Healthy Living!!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Fat! This little word has a great impact and grasps our attention in a snap. Fat, be it the fat from food or simply being fat, is ill famed in any context taken. Nevertheless in this post I am not talking about fat, as in being fat (which I can bet was on your mind) but fat that we eat. Fats or oils come under Lipids, a macronutrient equally important as carbohydrates and proteins. These lipids though popular for their negativities, still remain crucial to our body. A fat is generally solid at room temperatures and are closely packed chemically whereas oils are loosely packed and contain double bonds ranging from one to many and are liquid at room temperatures.

The chemical structures of these fats and oils play an important role in the functions they perform.  Oils that contain single double bond are classified as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and those that contain more than one double bond are classified as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).  Fats which are solid and closely packed are classified as saturated fatty acids (SFA) like butter, ghee and margarine.

Lipids, fat and oils both, provide a large amount of calories, now calories aren’t that bad, they are a synonym for energy and we need energy for everything.  Lipids provide 9 kcal for every gram of fat consumed. They remain a vital source of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, each with their own vital roles in our body.  In addition they also are an important source of essential fatty acids which as the name suggests are of great essence to the body.These essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids which have varied function in the body. The three main essential fatty acids are Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid and Arachidonic acid, which are used to produced omega6 and omega 3 in the body. They cannot be synthesized in the body like other important lipids (cholesterol, phospholipids, and prostaglandins) and must be therefore provided through diet. 

Omega 6 and omega 3 have gained well deserved popularity for all the health benefits it has to offer. Omega 3 (chemical names: DHA and EPA) bestows more advantages than omega 6. Omega 3 has been found to lower cholesterol and protect heart; keep blood pressure in check also helps control blood glucose levels and helps reduce inflammation and pain thus very helpful in rheumatism and arthritis.  Further, it plays a vital role in development, growth and cognition thus making it imperative to our body.

From all the benefits, the most significant and fulfilling purpose of fat is that it adds flavor to food and makes it palatable. It is and has been the cooking medium used from centuries. The aroma of melting butter in the hot pan, or the big slab of butter in a hot bowl of pav bhaji or palak paneer (can make anyone drool at the table, simply mouth watering).  Methi malai mutter with spoonfuls of cream can surely make your Sunday lunch a totally hit. Occasionally, it’s totally fine to indulge in gourmet and pamper your taste buds, after all food tends to be a part of our celebration as well as a companion of bereavement.  However, such treats on daily bases can be consequential.

Yet again I state, balance is the key you need to remember, neither too much nor too little. Guard the amount of fat your diet and curtail it where you can.  Simple way to reduce the fat in your diet or your families’ diet is -if you use three tbsp of oil or fat cut it down to two starting today, if you use two tbsp bring it down to one.  The most common mistake people make is drastically reducing the fat content which can become difficult to accept and follow. Any Alteration’s you make should be a gradually process. Amount of fat a person needs cannot be randomized as each individuals needs are tailored according to their requirements. To give a rough range it should not exceed   2-3 exchanges that are six tablespoons daily person.  Avoid fried products, too much cheese and also low quality fats like margarine, dalda or vansapti. Besides the amount, the type of fat we choose for ourselves and our families also make a lot of difference.

As consume we are faced with a dilemma of what kind of oil to choose.  There are stores filled with different brands and types of oils - Soybean, sunflower, groundnut, rice bran, cotton seed, olive oil, safflower and mustard etc.  What confuses us as consumers is the fact that every product is marketed to be better than the other. Therefore is it better for us, as consumers to be well informed and well read so that we make the best choices for ourselves.

Now, all naturally occurring oils and fats are mixture of: Saturated fatty acids (SFA), Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).  What makes oils and fats different from each other is the concentration of each of the above, either of the one dominates other.  SFA’s are usually high in animal sources e.g. Meat, lard, butter, paneer, ghee etc and are known to increases LDL cholesterol (bad) and decreases HDL cholesterol (good).

MUFA and PUFA are generally higher in plant sources. MUFA decreases LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol and are found in olive oil, peanut/groundnut oil, canola oil, almond oil and rice bran oil.  PUFA too decreases LDL cholesterol but also decreases the good cholesterol. Further, PUFA’s are highly reactive and undergo degeneration very fast.  They are also highly reactive in cooking, when subjected to routine frying or cooking PUFA’s can produced high levels of toxic products that can lead to cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

 Most of the cooking oils in the market are promoted to be cholesterol free, a word of caution, all oils extracted from plant sources are devoid of cholesterol as cholesterol is found only in animals and not plants. Compare the ratio of SFA: MUFA: PUFA, and the content of essential fatty acid if available before purchasing any oil. Purity of any oil should be second important item on your checklist, refined or filtered.  Refined oil are purer than filtered oil but low in fatty soluble vitamins A, D, E & K, however most of the oils now are fortified with these vitamins.

Thus, oil containing a judicial mixture of SFA: MUFA: PUFA in a ratio of 1:2:1 should be selected.  In simple terms, oil which has MUFA more than the PUFA and SFA will be a wise choice. So henceforth before buying oil, no matter how healthily it is marketed, carefully read label.  Choose and compare oils available and then select the one that suits you best.

To healthy living!!

Thursday, 15 January 2015


“I am not concerned that you have fallen--I am concerned that you arise.”
- Abraham Lincoln

 “Lose 10 kg in 10 days”, “lose weight without dieting and without exercise, ask me how?”  I am sure all of you must have come across such ads and I am sure it must have intrigued all of us, even tempted to try it out.  We live in times when fast is preferred cast. We want fast cars and phones, high-speed internet and bullet trains, so naturally we want fast results too especially when it comes to losing weight and looking our best. Weight loss, indeed, is a long and a painstaking process and therefore many people lose hope before they achieve their goal.  This is what makes them vulnerable to such offers. This impatience is privy to be exploited now and then.

Consumer markets are full of products like capsules and powders and creams claiming to offer fastest weight loss results. I wonder and want to know have they actually worked?  If one capsule can shred pounds of our weight, overweight wouldn’t be so prominent a problem in the world today. Eat whatever you like, as much as you fancy or sleep all day long, why to worry? Just pop up a pill and thin you are still. I wish, we all wish, if it was so easy.
Losing weight is a long process which requires patience and a strong will to overcome it.  The results obtained are slow but durable and this lengthiness is what makes people lose hope and most of them leave the process before they achieve the set target.  

An ideal body weight is the ideal weight of a person in relation to their height.  There is a difference between being overweight and obese. Overweight is when your weight exceeds the index in relation to your height and obese is characterized by abnormal deposition of fat which can be localized or all throughout the body. In men, who are obese, excess fat accumulation will be on the abdomen and in women basically around the buttocks.  Overweight people tend to proceed to being obese if precautions are not taken.

Our bodies have a set weight and our body will try its best to maintain that weight. For example if a person is 60kgs then body will try to maintain this weight. When weight is gained the body will employ various mechanisms to bring down weight to 60 kg and when weight is lost body will employ mechanism to gain back the weight lost. Therefore, for a healthy weight loss it is important to change the body’s set point weight which is a gradual process taking upto 6-8 months. Once the set point weight is modified to the desired ideal body weight, body will employ mechanism to maintain it there.

A healthy weight loss is the one which is achieved over time in an appropriate manner with dietary modification and physical activity. Immediate and extreme loss in weight can have tragic consequences on the body. Therefore one should aim at healthy weight loss which doesn’t compromise body and it functions and is easy to maintain. Losing weight in a small amount of time is a temporary solution because once the regime is stopped there will be rebound weight gain which can be very depressing and can make the person involved lose hope. Further the weight gained is double the weight lost and this is known as “yoyo effect”. This can have a devastating effect on person trying to lose weight.

Weight loss can be achieved by proper exercise and increasing physical activity accompanied by necessary dietary modification.  Only dietary modification without changing your activity pattern will do little good and similarly only engaging in rigorous physical activity without dietary changes will yield little results. In addition keeping patience and your motivation to optimum is necessary to employ body’s help in your attempt.

Dietary modification required for weight loss as most of us call it dieting, is eating right foods at right time and in controlled amounts.  It doesn’t entail starving in any forms.  The idea is to change the caloric consumption of the diet and replacing some types of food with healthier option. Most of the time people stop eating foods without proper replacement of healthier option which can then predispose the body to various deficiencies and compromise health. Further there are many fad diets which gain lot of popularity amongst people like only vegetable diet or fruit diet or just liquid diet. Engaging in such practices can have grave consequences and they become difficult in following for a long time. 

Dietary changes required to make is individualized and tailored as per each individual’s requirement. Consulting an expert for your own individual diet is important the following your own plans. However important things one can control to avoid weight gain are-
  • The amount and type of fat should be modified.  High fat salad dressings and saturated fat like cheese and butter, etc. should be avoided.
  • Simple sugars like sugar and refined flour (maida), breads and cakes, desserts etc. Should be replaced by complex sugars like whole wheat cereals, flour, biscuits and breads.
  • Fiber content of the diet should be increased by adding fruits and vegetables in the diet.  Whole fruits and salads are better options then juices and soups.
  • Increasing protein in the diet to replace fat with muscle in the body.
  • Striking a balance in the diet so that all important vitamins and minerals are in proper amount and rectify and prevent deficiencies of any kind.

A lot of thought is being put into analyzing if a ketogenic diet can help lose weight. Ketogenic diet mimics starvation and carbohydrates her are largely replaced by fats. This diet has been useful in certain cases but it cannot be randomly followed.  One needs to proper guidance before starting and proper follow-ups throughout the whole regime. It is difficult to follow and needs proper monitoring to prevent fatal outcomes.

Lot of research is being conducted to understand the role of diet and various nutrients in weight loss and maintenance.  Vitamin C and calcium both have been shown to play an important role in weight loss.  Increasing vitamin C and calcium both have been associated with decrease in body fat composition.  Similarly specific foods have been found to offer positive results like honey.  A warm glass of water with honey and juice of one lemon, will help you burn down fat and would be ideal before a workout. Omega 3 found in flaxseed oil, olive oil, various nuts and sea food, also helps lose weight.

To end, keeping a healthy weight and is more important than just looking slim. We all are different and so are our bodies, what works for one may not work for someone else and vice-versa. Therefore, assess your individual needs and choose what suits you best, especially something that wouldn’t be a burden for you to continue but easy to follow and practice. There is always help and guidance available, use your resources and verify before blindly accepting any thing.

“Our aim should be to be fit and not just slim
So we be healthy and bright; not thin and dim
Run or jump but also eat right
This is your journey, your own fight”


Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Did the god who gave us flowers and trees, also provide the allergies?
- Yip Harburg

I don’t know why I thought of doing an article on allergies.  I don’t have them nor does anyone close to me, my brother did have one when we were young, a proposed allergy of lead I suppose because he would start scratching his nose every time our mom made us study. (It was more of an allergy to studying I guess).  Allergies, are very interesting and intriguing, that’s what lured me. Allergies are an immune response, an exaggerated one, towards a harmless substance. It’s just a misunderstanding, or immune system misjudges and reacts without any rhyme or reason.

There are many types of allergies, in different forms and to different things, can be environmental, dietary, to medications (some people are allergic to antibiotics and can be treated using one if ever there be a need).  Most commons is food allergy. Our immune system reacts to a harmless food protein, this allergic reaction is known as anaphylaxis and is mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE) specifically. The “Wrongly” presumed harmful food protein is termed as allergen.

Allergies in their potent form can be fatal. IgE , an antibody, on encountering “harmful” substance, releases chemicals like histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes and kinins, which are responsible for the wide array of symptoms- abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, drop in blood pressure angioedema(swollen lips),  chest pain, urticara (rash), diarrhea and stroke, in extreme conditions, leading to death. 

Common food allergens largely affecting people are cow's milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. People allergic to tree nuts may be allergic to one or all nuts like walnuts, pistachio, pecans, pine nuts and even seeds like poppy or sesame. Allergies are genetic in nature, meaning it runs in the family. Allergic parents are likely to have allergic kids however it may not be same kind of allergies.

An unusual kind of allergic reaction is observed in few cases where in an allergic reaction to a particular food normally tolerated well occurs after a rigorous exercise regime. This reaction is seen to manifest within an hour or two after the exercise. It is an isolated incidence and may or may not happen again, so it is not actually an allergy. It is known as food dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis (FEIAn).

Diagnosing the presence of an allergy is no simple task. First step involves identifying the particular food item that causes allergy. This can be done by elimination of suspected foods one at a time or by keeping a food-symptom diary, wherein a complete detail of food consumed is recorded by the person himself along with the symptoms, if they occur. Elimination of the suspected food products should be complete, avoiding its raw forms, cooked and even isolated proteins.

Followed by identification is immunological test, to determine the presence of an immune response towards that food product. A test called the pharmacia (CAPFEIA) (fluroscein enzyme immunoassay is a specific test with 96%accuracy in indentifying children with egg, milk, fish and peanut allergies. The efficiency of this test is limited to assessing allergies pertaining six foods- egg, peanut, milk, wheat, soy and fish. Another diagnostic tool is a skin test, also known as prick test.  They are economical and less time consuming, providing results within minutes. This test is useful in assessing eight food allergies which include- milk, egg, peanuts, soy, wheat, cod fish, cat fish and cashew.

There is no cure for allergies, in some cases they are outgrown with time, in others they are not. Medicines are prescribed to minimize immune reactions like steroids and epinephrine to counteract symptoms that occur on exposure to allergens. Total elimination of the allergy producing food is the only proven treatment. The main concern arising here is the compromise on the nutritional aspect of that particular food. Families and individual with allergies should seek professional help and seek guidelines on how to avoid allergic foods in the meal planning and how to replace foods with nutritionally balanced alternatives.

Careful selection and meal planning of food is important. Lists of all foods and products “not to be” purchased should be kept handy.  Caretakers and school personnel’s taking care of the child should be clearly informed about the allergies to prevent accidental exposures. Reading food labels and properly identifying ingredients before buying products is of great significance. Allergic foods may at times not be clearly listed or be hidden in an unfamiliar ingredient. For example mayonnaise is listed as an ingredient but not egg which is an ingredient of mayonnaise.

In Children till the age of two, hypersensitive to certain foods is commonly seen and these hypersensitivities are outgrown with age so careful observation is necessary.  Cow’s milk protein (CMP) is a most common allergen for infants. In such cases proper infant formulas should be selected through professional help which doesn’t jeopardize infant’s growth and development.  Introducing weaning foods at early stages replacing breast milk has shown to increase the chances of developing an allergy.  Therefore, Infants should be breast feed exclusively for six months. Foods known for their propensity to produce allergy like peanuts, eggs, tree nuts, milk and fish should be not introduced to the child till the age of 2-3 years.

Environmental allergens like pollens and latex expose themselves through certain fruits and vegetables. Latex allergy in some people can occur through fruits and vegetables handled by workers wearing latex gloves. Largely affected fruits are bananas, avocado, kiwi and chestnuts.
Many researches and experiments are being undertaken to discover ways to deal with allergies. A food immunotherapy vaccine is a possible future treatment. The main aim of this vaccine is to prevent allergic reaction (anaphylactic) or reduce the intensity of the reaction and prevent death when accidental exposed to an allergen.  It is still in experimental stage.

Probiotics, the healthy micro organism, found in curds and yoghurts and fermented products maintain the population and promote the growth of healthy and useful microorganism in the intestines. These probiotics when added  to the diet of an expectant mother or given to  infants after six months of birth strengthens their immune system and may prevent development of food allergy. Breast feeding infants so far is the best form of nutrition for the child and protection against allergies but it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of developing an allergy.

Another plausible theory suggests that children less exposed to microbes have a greater risk of developing allergies. Children should be encouraged to cuddle and play with pets to prevent development of allergies and asthma during the first year of life.  The whole idea is to expose children to the microbes residing in the furs of pets which will strengthen and help children’s immune system to differentiate between harmful and harmless substances.

Allergy may not have a sure shot remedy but it can always be managed with tact and utmost care. The key is to be alert in all situations. It is not an illness or infirmity just a problem we all can deal with.
“There may be no remedy
Oh!  It’s just a malady,
Allergy is a nature’s dare,
All you do is take care.”

To healthy living!! 

Sunday, 11 January 2015


“Why does man kill? He kills for food.
And not only food: frequently there must be beverage.”
-Woody Allen

Winter daft hits my face (and the rest of the body) and the icy daft chills my spine, as I come out of my cozy blanket. Early winter mornings are real challenge and the first thing I do, is keep a pot of tea for boiling. The aroma of tea brew refreshes me out of slumber and the hot vapors spreads warmth throughout my body. I am all for beverages favorite being both tea and coffee (I like tea in mornings and coffee accompanies in the evenings) and this time of the year, they become saviors, knight in armors.  All over the world people start their day with a cup of tea or coffee, for sum it’s just a habit while others are totally addicted to it. There also are quite handfuls who don’t indulge themselves into the delightful of either. (Their liberalization confounds me greatly, for I am totally a salve.)

Like everything we eat or drink is gauged by its advantages, beverages like coffee and tea are also not off radar. Extensive researches have been conducted to point out the health benefits of coffee and tea individually. Tea and coffee are similar and yet diverse, just like cousins and both no doubt have huge fan followings.  A lot of debate and discussions are focused on which is healthier: tea or coffee.

Caffeine is a chemical compound, more specifically a xanthine alkaloid, found both in tea and coffee and also in chocolates but to a very lesser extent. The main attribute of tea and coffee that makes them so appealing and loved it the stimulant effect, refreshing effect, conferred by caffeine.  Caffeine is used, worldwide as a psychoactive drug and unlike other drugs its sale is unregulated and legal. Caffeine, about 5mg/kg body weight is used for asthmatics as it brings about a mild dilation of the bronchioles of the lungs, slightly improving lung function.

When a person is in a wakeful state, a small amount of adenosine is present in the neurons of the central nervous system. As the time passes the levels of adenosine increase and bind to specific adenosine receptors stationed on the neurons of the central nervous system, and evokes a cellular response which leads to sleep- an important metabolic function. When caffeine rich beverages are consumed, caffeine binds to these receptors leaving no scope for adenosine to interact, thereby prevents drowsiness and restores a state of alertness.

Coffee and tea helps relieve headaches is a common believe and this belief is not entirely baseless as caffeine does alleviate headaches and migraines as it constricts the blood vessels in the brain.  This property of caffeine makes it efficient to overcome hangovers too.  Studies states that caffeine increases the metabolic rate by 3-11% and also aids in burning fat. Most of the commercially available weight loss supplements tend to contain caffeine as an ingredient.  A strong cup of coffee before exercise will compliment your efforts by breaking down fat to be used as fuel.

As every coin has two sides, caffeine doesn’t come without disadvantages. The flip side is that too much of caffeine leads to increased anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia (increase in heart rate) heart palpitation, restlessness and nausea. Further it can interfere with many nutrients of importance like calcium and iron.  Excessive caffeine consumption has been linked to increased psychological disorders and a tendency to develop an addiction, which can be harmful.

Coffee is a brew prepared from the seeds of evergreen shrub generally, Coffea Arabica and Coffea Robusta.  Coffee along with caffeine is also packed with antioxidants which are found to be useful against many diseases, by reducing the tissue damage caused by free radicals, produced as chemical reactions in the body are carried out. Coffee contains minerals like manganese and chromium which increases the sensitivity of cells to the insulin action thereby minimizes the threat of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee has been found to be protective against two main types of cancers namely, colorectal and liver. However these results are inconclusive and still subjected to scrutiny. A study by Harvard school of public heath states that Coffee lowers risk of developing depression. A small amount of coffee if consumed during pregnancy doesn’t jeopardize the developing baby as it has been wrongly conceived. Coffee acts as a diuretic, increases urination and also causes heart burn aka acidity.

Coffee shields against development of neurological disorder like Parkinson’s.  These results however were not seen in the decaffeinated infusion. Decaffeination is a process the coffee seeds go through while they are still green in color. The caffeine from the coffee beans is removed using solvents to dissolve caffeine containing oils.

The coffee sold commercially is roasted and ground. The high roasting temperatures Caramelize sugar imparting a brown color to the seed. The coffee drink is prepared by dissolving the roasted ground coffee in water long enough for flavors to infuse but not allowing bitter compounds to seep in. To sum it all, as quoted by the Harvard school of public health, coffee as such doesn’t have great health benefits nor does it have any serious health implications.

Tea is a concoction prepared from the leaves of the shrub, Camellia Sinensis. These leaves after harvest wilt and oxidize and the degree of oxidation that occurs gives us the variety in tea, ranging from green to black to white. Green tea, the tea leaves here are unwilted and unoxidized; White tea wherein the leaves are wilted but un-oxidized and, in black tea the leaves are wilted and fully oxidized. Herbal teas are not actually tea, but a mixture of herbs and spices without tea leaves called ‘tisane’.

After water tea is the most widely consumed beverage, possessing refreshing and soothing qualities. Caffeine content of tea is much lower to that of coffee, about 30-90 mg in a 250 ml cup of tea. In addition to caffeine, tea also contains theobromine and theophylline; both are xanthenes and stimulants similar to caffeine. Tea, black or green doesn’t contain any significant amount of nutrients other than a good amount of mineral called manganese and polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, in abundance.

Flavonoids are antioxidants and are mostly responsible for the profound health benefits of tea. Flavonoids have been referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers". They show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer activity.  The most prominent is the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This EGCG has been proved to be effective in preventing neurological disorder like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  Further flavonoids also inhibit the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis; reducing the risk any kind of heart related disease. EGCG is found in larger quantities in green tea.

The flavonoids of tea along with their anti-cancer activity also reduce the risk of development of type 2 diabetes by increasing the cells response to insulin. Looking on the flipside, tea doesn’t seem to have an adverse effect on health, other than the tannins which interfere with the iron absorption. This minor difficulty can be easily managed by avoiding iron rich foods with tea. Dieticians believe that any tea is good tea and you surely get a good measure of health in a cup of tea.

To wrap up the debate, it doesn’t matter which one is better as long as you take either of them in controlled quantities, remember balancing is the key.  It’s not about ‘what is healthy?’ always, sometimes it’s what you need and like. So if you love coffee or tea, well stay in love. They may not do much good but they don’t harm either. Eat smart and keep your muscles moving, relax and snug up the winters with a mug full of warmth.

“To rise and shine, and swell like seas,
Never mind a cup of coffee or tea,
Brewed bitter or sweet, light or strong,
With a cup or two, nothing goes wrong”
To healthy living!!


Fiber is the most talk about celeb nutrient with all the new research making it so important for our overall health. It is paradoxical; the whole usefulness of the fiber cause the thing that makes fiber so important is that it is an undigested useless waste for the body.  But at the same time this contradictory notions makes it interesting too.
Internet is prowling with the praises of fiber and accolades for its inputs which truly are well deserved and required after all wonderful work it does.  In this post I have summed up all the things you should know about fiber and most frequently asked questions in a simple easy to understand form.


Dietary fiber is plant material which is edible but not digested by our bodies due to lack of required enzymes. This includes certain starches, cellulose, pectin etc. Dietary fibers are of two types-

1.       Soluble Fiber - absorbs water and forms gel .Sources of soluble fiber includes- oats, peas, beans, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, psyllium etc.
2.       Insoluble Fiber- as the name suggests it is not soluble in water nor it absorbs water.
Sources of insoluble fiber include – whole grain and bran, nuts, beans and vegetables.


Yes, you indeed should eat fiber. Fiber though remains undigested in the body has many benefits to offer which range from constipation to cancer.

1.       Helps in normal bowel movements- insoluble fiber largely helps prevent and cure constipation (hard stools). It adds bulk to the stools, increases the weight of the stools and helps it move down the intestines to be excreted.  Soluble fiber helps keep stools soft by absorbing water thus prevents hard stools.

2.       Helps lower cholesterol levels-by helping in its excretion especially soluble fiber.  Further it helps to lower blood pressure and reduces inflammation in a way keeps heart healthy. Insoluble fiber has no effect on cholesterol.

3.       Helps in weight management by increasing the quantity of food in the diet and imparts a feeling of satiety. Since it remains undigested and it is excreted the caloric content of the meal is lower.

4.       Helps lower blood sugar levels- dietary fiber, esp. soluble slows down the release of glucose from the digested food thereby maintaining blood glucose levels. Having a fruit or a bowl of salad with meal helps people with diabetes to prevent immediate increase in blood sugar levels.

5.       Helps maintain the population of healthy bacteria in the gut, which in turn inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.  Dietary fiber serves as a source of food for these healthy gut bacteria.

6.       Protects against cancer- dietary fiber has been found to offer some protective effect on some cancers like colon, rectal, breast and ovarian.


Recommended allowances of dietary fiber for people below the age of 50 years is 35 gm for males and 25 gm for females and in people above the age of 50 years 30gms for males and 21 gm for females.
 How should we include fiber in our daily diet?
Dietary fiber can be added in the diet by making small and simple modification to the existing diet.
1.       All baked products, breads, pasta and biscuits made up of refined flour should be replaced with whole grain flours and products. Refining and processing a grain removes the outer coat i.e. bran. This results in loss of various nutrients and fiber
2.       Choose high fiber breakfast cereals or whole wheat cereals, oats or semolina products   as a breakfast option.
3.       Increase the frequency of legumes like beans , peas, lentils in the diet
4.       Make sure to eat one fruit after every meal.
5.       Peeling fruits and vegetables results in loss of fiber, so try having whole and unpeeled fruits and vegetables. Strained or pulp free juices and clear soups are lower in fiber as straining results in loss of dietary fiber.
6.       Natural sources of fiber are healthier and effective than fiber supplements.
7.       Drink plenty of water upto 2litre per day.  Water helps fiber work well.
8.       Lastly, always read food labels before buying packed foods.

A small change in your eating pattern will make a huge difference on your overall health. First step towards change starts with a conscious effort to make the change and in time you will be making healthy choices for yourself and your family. Here’s a quickie to retain information.

“Fruits and veggies, cereals and grains
No purees and juices and never you strain
With oats and beans healthy friends you will gain”

To healthy living!!

Friday, 9 January 2015


“If one’s bowels move, one is happy; and if they don’t move, one is unhappy.
That is all there is to it.”
- Lin Yutang (1895-1976)

Heart as we all know is the most important organ of the human body, but as we delve into the anatomy and physiology of the human body we realize that the other organ systems, the liver, the kidney, brain , stomach , intestines, skeleton , skin are no less important . All the functions in the body are codependent and if any one of them is affected others don’t remain unaffected. The harmony and synchronization of all these organ systems composes a stead rhythm of life.

The Bowels, meaning our intestines, perform two very crucial functions of digestion and excretion. Digestion is the process where food that we eat, is broken down to simpler nutrients easily absorbed and readily utilized by the body. Excretion is removal of unimportant and toxic substances not required by the body. These wastes can be eliminated part of food or the end products of body reaction.  Most of us believe that digestion occurs in our stomach, well digestion occurs in the stomach but to a very less extent, major chunk of digestion takes place in the bowels meaning our intestines. Starting from our stomach, ending to the intestines the whole tract is known as gastrointestinal tract.

Health is a holistic wellness of the body and mind, and this requires efficiency of all the functioning system of the body. There are thousand and thousands of disease, mild to extremely dangerous affecting one or more organs and systems similarly the gastrointestinal tract is not excluded from the pangs.  The two basic diseases, actually they are a complications not a disease as such, are constipation and flatulence (passage of gas).

These two problems are faced by many of us but we seldom pay attention to it. As I said it is the most basic, well so unimportant to us that we simply ignore it. (People fight diabetes and cancer, what we should cry for a mere constipation?)  And while some try to mange it others are too embarrassed to even openly talk about it.

Intestinal gases and Flatulence

Gases produced in the intestine include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and in some people methane. Normally about 200ml of gases are generally produced and an approximate of 700ml of gas is excreted every day.  Excessive production of gases increases the volume of air present in the intestinal tract which is then excreted or passed out frequently and in increased amounts in the form of flatus causing flatulence.  It is generally accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, distention of the stomach due to accumulation of the gases.

The reasons for this increased gas production in the body are-
1.      Physical inactivity
2.      Decreased movement in intestine
3.      Diet
4.      Aerophagia
5.      Intestinal micro –organism

Aerophagia is swallowing of air and can be reduced and controlled by eating food slowly and chewing food  properly with a closed mouth, avoiding talking while having meals and avoiding use of straws for drinking water and other drinks. 

Dietary fiber is the edible plant material which is not digested by the humans due to lack of required enzymes. Fiber adds bulk to the undigested wastes that needs to be excreted and helps it move through the intestine till it is finally removed from the body. There are two type of fiber soluble and insoluble. However large amounts fiber especially soluble fibre like those found in fruits and vegetables, oats and legumes increase the production of gases in the colon, a part of large intestine.

The properties of gas producing foods depend upon the type and amount of fiber and carbohydrate it contains. High carbohydrate foods and  Starches like refined flour breads, pastas, baked goods, and starchy vegetables like Corn, peas, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, zucchini and yams when taken in large amounts remain undigested and are fermented by the intestinal microorganism. This fermentation releases excess amounts of gases causing abdominal discomfort and flatulence.

Legumes like beans and lentil (various dhal's) are also widely known for their gas producing properties and this due to the presences of soluble fiber and carbohydrate like stachyose and raffinose which are only partially digested.

To treat the problem of flatulence three things need to be taken care of –

1.      Avoid high carbohydrate foods and legumes- choose whole grain products instead of refined products as they lack in may healthy nutrients.
2.      Maintain healthy population of good bacteria in the gut by including curds, yoghurts and other pro-biotic products available in the market.
3.      Exercise and increase physical activity to facilitate digestion of the food.


Constipation is defined as hard stools, straining while defecating and infrequent bowel movements. Normal stools weigh around 100-200g daily and normal frequency of bowel is one stool every three days to three times per day. Many believe that it is necessary to have frequent bowel and ignore dietary and other health consideration become disturbed and opt for enemas and other medication. 

1.      Lack of response to urge to defecate
2.      Lack or lower amounts of fiber
3.      Low fluid intake’
4.      Physical inactivity
5.      Use of laxatives

It is necessary to treat constipation as it increase the duration the toxic waste remains in the body and further aggravates the problem of indigestion, flatulence, and in some cases acidity. First step towards preventing constipation is to never ignore the urge to defecate, followed by dietary modification and increasing physical activity.

Dietary modification entails adding adequate fiber to the diet coupled with adequate fluids. Insoluble and soluble fiber increase fecal mass, stool weight and motility.  The recommended dietary allowance should be 14 g per 1000 kcals or 25g/day for women and 35g/day for men. The amount of fiber in the diet can be increased by adding whole grain and whole grain products, sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, legumes, seeds and nuts. Dietary fibers are high in nutrients and healthful phyto-chemicals.  They also serve as prebiotic, a source of nutrient for the good micro-organisms and bacteria in the gut.

Lastly, it is important to withdraw from use of laxatives and drink ample of water approx upto 2 liters. Bulking agents and medications like cellulose, hemicelluloses (found in bran, legumes, nuts, peas, roots, cabbage and apple skins.) psyllium (isapaghula) seeds, and flaxseeds are also found to offer assistance in case of severity.

From myriads of diseases and complications affecting our health, the problem of flatulence and constipation may be small but is very common. We, by ourselves can manage this small problem to avoid bigger complications later. An upset stomach never makes a man healthy or happy.
“No worries, no tension,
Yippee! Not even constipation,
I am a man, who will not grovel,
For happy and movin’ are my bowels.”
To healthy living!!

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