Friday, 9 January 2015


“If one’s bowels move, one is happy; and if they don’t move, one is unhappy.
That is all there is to it.”
- Lin Yutang (1895-1976)

Heart as we all know is the most important organ of the human body, but as we delve into the anatomy and physiology of the human body we realize that the other organ systems, the liver, the kidney, brain , stomach , intestines, skeleton , skin are no less important . All the functions in the body are codependent and if any one of them is affected others don’t remain unaffected. The harmony and synchronization of all these organ systems composes a stead rhythm of life.

The Bowels, meaning our intestines, perform two very crucial functions of digestion and excretion. Digestion is the process where food that we eat, is broken down to simpler nutrients easily absorbed and readily utilized by the body. Excretion is removal of unimportant and toxic substances not required by the body. These wastes can be eliminated part of food or the end products of body reaction.  Most of us believe that digestion occurs in our stomach, well digestion occurs in the stomach but to a very less extent, major chunk of digestion takes place in the bowels meaning our intestines. Starting from our stomach, ending to the intestines the whole tract is known as gastrointestinal tract.

Health is a holistic wellness of the body and mind, and this requires efficiency of all the functioning system of the body. There are thousand and thousands of disease, mild to extremely dangerous affecting one or more organs and systems similarly the gastrointestinal tract is not excluded from the pangs.  The two basic diseases, actually they are a complications not a disease as such, are constipation and flatulence (passage of gas).

These two problems are faced by many of us but we seldom pay attention to it. As I said it is the most basic, well so unimportant to us that we simply ignore it. (People fight diabetes and cancer, what we should cry for a mere constipation?)  And while some try to mange it others are too embarrassed to even openly talk about it.

Intestinal gases and Flatulence

Gases produced in the intestine include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and in some people methane. Normally about 200ml of gases are generally produced and an approximate of 700ml of gas is excreted every day.  Excessive production of gases increases the volume of air present in the intestinal tract which is then excreted or passed out frequently and in increased amounts in the form of flatus causing flatulence.  It is generally accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, distention of the stomach due to accumulation of the gases.

The reasons for this increased gas production in the body are-
1.      Physical inactivity
2.      Decreased movement in intestine
3.      Diet
4.      Aerophagia
5.      Intestinal micro –organism

Aerophagia is swallowing of air and can be reduced and controlled by eating food slowly and chewing food  properly with a closed mouth, avoiding talking while having meals and avoiding use of straws for drinking water and other drinks. 

Dietary fiber is the edible plant material which is not digested by the humans due to lack of required enzymes. Fiber adds bulk to the undigested wastes that needs to be excreted and helps it move through the intestine till it is finally removed from the body. There are two type of fiber soluble and insoluble. However large amounts fiber especially soluble fibre like those found in fruits and vegetables, oats and legumes increase the production of gases in the colon, a part of large intestine.

The properties of gas producing foods depend upon the type and amount of fiber and carbohydrate it contains. High carbohydrate foods and  Starches like refined flour breads, pastas, baked goods, and starchy vegetables like Corn, peas, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, zucchini and yams when taken in large amounts remain undigested and are fermented by the intestinal microorganism. This fermentation releases excess amounts of gases causing abdominal discomfort and flatulence.

Legumes like beans and lentil (various dhal's) are also widely known for their gas producing properties and this due to the presences of soluble fiber and carbohydrate like stachyose and raffinose which are only partially digested.

To treat the problem of flatulence three things need to be taken care of –

1.      Avoid high carbohydrate foods and legumes- choose whole grain products instead of refined products as they lack in may healthy nutrients.
2.      Maintain healthy population of good bacteria in the gut by including curds, yoghurts and other pro-biotic products available in the market.
3.      Exercise and increase physical activity to facilitate digestion of the food.


Constipation is defined as hard stools, straining while defecating and infrequent bowel movements. Normal stools weigh around 100-200g daily and normal frequency of bowel is one stool every three days to three times per day. Many believe that it is necessary to have frequent bowel and ignore dietary and other health consideration become disturbed and opt for enemas and other medication. 

1.      Lack of response to urge to defecate
2.      Lack or lower amounts of fiber
3.      Low fluid intake’
4.      Physical inactivity
5.      Use of laxatives

It is necessary to treat constipation as it increase the duration the toxic waste remains in the body and further aggravates the problem of indigestion, flatulence, and in some cases acidity. First step towards preventing constipation is to never ignore the urge to defecate, followed by dietary modification and increasing physical activity.

Dietary modification entails adding adequate fiber to the diet coupled with adequate fluids. Insoluble and soluble fiber increase fecal mass, stool weight and motility.  The recommended dietary allowance should be 14 g per 1000 kcals or 25g/day for women and 35g/day for men. The amount of fiber in the diet can be increased by adding whole grain and whole grain products, sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, legumes, seeds and nuts. Dietary fibers are high in nutrients and healthful phyto-chemicals.  They also serve as prebiotic, a source of nutrient for the good micro-organisms and bacteria in the gut.

Lastly, it is important to withdraw from use of laxatives and drink ample of water approx upto 2 liters. Bulking agents and medications like cellulose, hemicelluloses (found in bran, legumes, nuts, peas, roots, cabbage and apple skins.) psyllium (isapaghula) seeds, and flaxseeds are also found to offer assistance in case of severity.

From myriads of diseases and complications affecting our health, the problem of flatulence and constipation may be small but is very common. We, by ourselves can manage this small problem to avoid bigger complications later. An upset stomach never makes a man healthy or happy.
“No worries, no tension,
Yippee! Not even constipation,
I am a man, who will not grovel,
For happy and movin’ are my bowels.”
To healthy living!!

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