Wednesday, 28 January 2015


“Heroes make us smile because they not only rescue us outwardly, 
but inwardly too.” 
 Richelle E. Goodrich

Vitamin C, also commonly known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin, found widely in fruits especially   citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, amla(Indian gooseberry) , pineapples, strawberries and bananas and many other and even in vegetables  like cabbage, cauliflower, peas, beans, tomatoes and etc. it is not so profoundly found in animal sources except liver. In the body, vitamin C is widely distributed in various organs of the body. Thus, throwing light on the functions it performs in them.

Vitamin C is the most misunderstood and often the most neglected nutrient. We are conscious about the kind of carbohydrates and protein and even fat, we are aware about importance of calcium but vitamin C is easily taken for granted and overlooked even by the health conscious groups. Firstly, a lot of people are ignorant about vitamin and its benefits and secondly, there are a lot of myths about vitamin C which actually stripes it off of all the fame it deserves.

This knight fights!

A lot of people believe that eating a lot of citrus, tangy, sour fruits weakens bones, increases your chances of catching cold. Often doctors prescribe don’t eat “khatta” or sour fruits and foods if you are suffering from cold.  Only, if we knew the virtues of the mighty vitamin C, for they are innumerable. Investigations have revealed that vitamin c offers resistance to infections, chronic and acute, like tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis and the common cold and influenza virus. It strengthens our immunity (which basically is our army) that helps fight off these gruesome enemies.

This knight protects!

 Vitamin C being a powerful antioxidant is also a part of various oxidation -reduction reactions occurring in our body.  Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of collagen (intercellular cement like material) which is essential for the formation of bones, teeth, gums, skin and connective tissue throughout the body. This very function of vitamin c makes it useful in preventing arthritis. Various studies have concluded that people with low levels of vitamin C in their diet were more likely to develop arthritis then those whose diet is rich in vitamin C.
Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of carnitine, which helps to metabolize (burn) body fat in the cells for energy. Now that’s a magical tool for people trying to bring down their weight, a knight for their rescue. Further, vitamin C is also found to be helpful preventing deposition of plaques in the arteries.  These plaques if not taken care of can cause fatal heart attacks.

This knight saves!

Another marvelous function vitamin C performs is that it helps absorb the valuable iron from the intestine which otherwise would be excreted out of our bodies. Iron is important part of hemoglobin found in blood and therefore vitamin C is very important in preventing and treating anemia and is crucial for pregnant women and infants.
Vitamin c plays a major role in healing wounds too. So, if you have an injury or a wound which is taking a long time healing, pumping up your diets with vitamin C; juices and fruits would be great comrades’.

This knight rescues!

Many studies show that vitamin C has a calming effect in the conditions of stress- emotional, psychological and physiological. During these stressful events, the adrenal cortex hormone level increases and with its increase the level of vitamin C levels decreases.  Choosing fruits or fruit juices or lemonades next time will be a better option to distress than coffees, chocolates and other things.


Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C, affecting both children and adults. This deficiency is very common and its symptoms are likely to be ignored. The most profound Symptoms of scurvy in children include impaired wound healing, edema (swelling) hemorrhages (excessive bleeding), weakness in bones and joints, weak teeth and gums and even dryness in skin.  Deficiency of vitamin C in children can have alarming effects.  In adults with scurvy the main symptoms to watch for are swelling or bleeding in gums, weakened teeth and loss of teeth.  Lethargy and fatigue, pains in legs and loss of muscles, and psychological symptoms like hysteria and depression.

An intake of up to 200mg/day is advisable for maintaining optimum levels of vitamin C in the body for its various functions because our bodies are not capable of producing vitamin C on their own as in case of some animals and therefore we must supply it through our diets.  Vitamin C is highly sensitive and can be lost on exposure to air, prolong heating and further it is water soluble so when soaked in water for long it tends to get lost. So it is best to have fruits as fresh as possible then storing or refrigerating for long periods.

There are vitamin C supplements available in market in case of severe deficiency or increased requirements as in case of pregnant ladies, of elderly who cannot eat food, people with fractures and multiple injuries , arthritic patients , cardiac and cancer patients and chain smokers.  Most of vitamin C available in supplemental form is a mixture of chemical forms L-ascorbic acid and D- ascorbic acid. L ascorbic acid is the form in which natural vitamin C or ascorbic acid is available in nature and is what is responsible for all the functions. D-ascorbic acid is mostly of no consequence in the body. So a tip to remember while buying Vitamin C supplement is to make sure L ascorbic Acid component is more than the D ascorbic acid.

 Remember this knight, is waiting to Armour up for you all, give it a chance,  a chance well deserved for its valor and might.  Employ it and ensure a healthy, stress free life for your family. 

To keep your bones healthy and for your wounds to heal
For the precious iron and a heart full of zeal
Save up on the doctor’s nasty fee
Start now with the mighty vitamin C”
  To Healthy Living!!

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