Thursday, 12 March 2015


Weight is a relentless and a taxing concern, both for those laboring to lose as well as those struggling to gain it. The ‘No pain no gain’ adage works reversibly when it comes to weight, it’s the losing that becomes painful than gaining.

Nevertheless, a small percentage of populace toils to gain weight, probably to bulk up their tiny frames or simply to be healthful. I am sure most of us would presume them to be opportune for not adding up those extra pounds and eat to delight.  Unfortunately, as too much of weight has its perils, being too thin is not free of repercussions.

Most of the times being underweight is a symptom of an underlying disease, therefore it is important to medically assess it. A low body weight is a sign of being undernourished and at the risk or several deficiencies which hamper body functions.

Who Are At Risk?

·         Children and teenagers.
·         Women with multiple pregnancies.
·         People who are recuperating from an illness or suffering from diseases like diabetes, cancers, hyperthyroidism etc.
·         People who excessively diet or are suffering from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
·         People suffering from psychological and emotional stress which can affect eating patterns.
·         People with Suppressed endocrine function.
·         People who are highly active but have lower food intakes.

Most people are natural small and have faster metabolic rates which make it difficult to put on weight. To clear, weight is not just a, measure fat but also the muscles mass, bone density and fluids in the body. The aim should be to increase the muscle, strengthen the bones and not cram our bodies with fat.

Most of the times people trying to add up extra pounds to make up on a sports team or to fulfill criteria for specific jobs etc, resort to eating high fat food and junk foods. This may or may not help in the pursuit but will definitely prompt complications of diabetes, blood pressure, bad cholesterol and many more.

So, What Should Be Done?

First and foremost, if you are serious about gaining weight the most important thing is to not skip any meal under any condition. Secondly, meals should be properly spaced and taken on schedule, not randomly at any time.

 People who are underweight general lack an interest in eating and should be motivated to eat. Favorite foods, and foods that can e easily eaten on the go, ready to pop up while working are good options like nuts, pop corns, biscuits made from grains instead of refined flour. Eating is important to gain proper weight, even when not hungry.

An additional 500-1500 kilo calories  is required to propel an increase in weight. These calories can be added to the diet as in between meal snacks. For example if the requirement of an individual is 2000 kilo calories, an additional 1000 kilo calories should be added in the form of snacks between meals.

The quantity of food or portion size should be increased gradually and not all at once. Large quantities of food, all of sudden, can be difficult to eat as well as cause gastric discomfort. This can impact negatively and discourage from carrying on.  

What Foods Should You Eat?

1)      Go for whole grains varieties of breads, pastas and noodles, biscuits and cereals as they are full of fiber and goodness of various nutrients. Multigrain products and those made from semolina, bran and oats are excellent alternatives too.

2)     Fruits and vegetables should be in your meals 3-4 times a day. Pick dense fruits and vegetables like potatoes, peas, corn, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, bananas, mango, berries, pears, apples, pineapples and dried fruits etc.

3)     Add generous amounts of healthy oils like olive oil, palm oil, canola oil, safflower oils, sunflower, groundnut, rice bran oil and coconut oil. However avoid margarine and hydrogenated oils found in packed foods and snacks as it is low quality fat that is injurious to the heart.

4)     Have good amount of proteins as they are accessory to building up muscles. Soy beans, peanut and peanut butters, cheese, chicken, fish, milk, whey proteins supplements, soy milk are few options to choose from.

5)     Drink milk daily but make sure it is not fat free or skimmed but whole fat milk and also indulge in other milk products like cream, cheese, yogurts, curds, puddings, custards and shakes.

6)     Nuts can be great snacking options. They are full of fiber, fat and proteins. It also contains heart healthy omega 3.  All nuts are good and effective; a mix bowl is a great option.

7)     Eat an Egg every day - a whole egg comprising of both the yolk and white, provide necessary calories, proteins and other vital nutrients as well as good cholesterol. 

8)     Go for accompaniments like Jams, jellies, spreads, mayonnaise, honey, pickles and various sauces and dips that will make eating interesting.

After diet, Exercising is equally important for gaining weight as it is to lose. Exercise your muscles daily, to build them up but care should be taken that all the muscles in the body are worked out. Perform complex and compound exercises like-

·         Pull ups, push-ups, Squats and Dips
·         Dumb-bell presses , dead-lifts, bench presses

Lastly, it is important to get adequate rest and Sleep; at least 8-9 hours daily as Sleeping will help muscles to grow.  This is easy and I guess can be achieved effortlessly. If you are not careful about your sleep it will definitely reflect upon your health.  Sleeping is as important to body as eating so don’t neglect it.

I have complied list of foods that can be ideal snacks with providing up to 500 additional calories.
·         A heavy breakfast of eggs and bread butter/peanut butter or jam along with a glass of milk or tea. I specify, ‘eggs and bread butter’ not ‘or’.

·          A glass of Milk shake (banana, mango, apple, custard apple), an hour or two after breakfast, made from 150 ml milk and two banana/ one big apple or mango.

·         Mixed fruit bowl, or orange (2), grapes or pineapple, carrot or tomato, whole or as juice along with lunch. A bowl of mixed fruit or vegetable salad. Try to double up the amount of food you eat in lunch.

·         Buttermilk or yogurt or curd during or after lunch helps with extra calories.

·         Cheese pizza, cheese sandwich with tea or during tea time. Multigrain biscuits at least 4 will also do with tea. If you are not a tea fan go for a glass of juice, unstrained or a protein shake.

·         A little later in evening pop up some nuts and dried fruits like almonds, walnuts, raisins, dried figs, apricots, pistachio, cashews,  peanuts, groundnuts  etc. 5-6 of at least three different nuts and dried fruits  or a mix bowl of all.

·         A salad, fruit and curds along with a proper dinner.

·         Before sleeping or bedtime a dessert in the form of porridge or custard, pudding. If not, a fruit and glass of milk can suffice.

I hope this sample plan can help you work out your diet and help you achieve your goals. To sum it up all, 

“Eat and you will be well,
But Healthful be it, I tell.
Don’t skip or stall, eat at every bell,

The tiny you, I promise will swell!”

(Also read the article on how to choose healthy oils-Not that fat!)

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