Wednesday, 25 February 2015


By 15 February 2015, the deadly swine flu virus infected 6289 people and claimed 485 lives in India.  The reason of this severe outbreak of swine flu virus is thought to be the coldest winters experienced by India in last 20 years.  It makes us wonder what swine flu is, and if as the name suggest it is for swine’s (pigs) then why are we humans under attack?

What Is Swine Flu?

Swine flu (influenza) is caused by swine flu virus which earlier infected only pigs. There were minor cases of cross contamination, as in infection by human influenza virus in swine or pigs or swine flu virus infection in humans. However this was limited only to those humans who came in direct contact with the pigs.

First reported case of swine flu in humans was in Mexico in 2009, which then spread all throughout the world. The infection was so widespread that WHO called it a Pandemic.
The swine flu virus that infects human is H1N1 virus, a mutation of the swine flu virus infecting pigs. 
The name ‘H1N1’ virus is based on two main surface agents in the virus i.e.
·         H1- hemagglutinin type 1
·         N1- neuraminidase type 1

 Why Did It Start Infecting Humans?

A pig can get infected by several viruses-bird flu, human flu or swine flu virus. It serves as a mixing ground for several viruses at the same time. When these virus replicate, the RNA of these viruses intermingles and new variant forms are created. The eight stand RNA of H1N1 virus contains one strand derived from human influenza virus strain, two from avian (bird) flu virus strands and five from swine flu virus strands.  This is known as Antigenic shift.

Now, the viruses in it selves also undergo minor alteration, which are gradual and occur over the period of years. These alterations change the basic characteristics of the virus. This phenomenon is known as Antigenic drift.

The newest swine flu virus strain infecting humans is H3N2v. the ‘v’ in the name indicates that the virus is a variant, which originally infected only pigs.

What Are The Symptoms To Look For?

Swine flu develops after 3 days of exposure and lasts up to 10 days. An infected person is contagious (i.e. can spread infection to other) for 10 days. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to seasonal flu and therefore can go unnoticed.  
·         Cough, sore throat
·         Runny or stuffy nose
·         Body aches, headaches
·         Chills and fever (1000F or more)
·         Fatigue
·         Vomiting and diarrhea
Swine flu can complicate conditions like diabetes and asthma. Severity of symptoms can predispose conditions like pneumonia and respiratory failure.

Who Are more likely to be infected  ?

Swine flu spreads as an epidemic affecting all humans but people who are mostly likely to be infected are:-
1.      Pregnant ladies or women who have recently delivered (two weeks likely).
2.      Children younger than 5 years of age.
3.      Older people above 65 years of age.
4.      People with chronic diseases like asthma, heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, kidney and liver diseases and people who are HIV positive.
5.      People who are hospitalized and already ill.

      How Is Swine Flu Diagnosed?

Investigation of swine flu involves identifying specific antigens associated with swine flu virus. Not all laboratories and hospital can do this test, only highly specialized laboratories perform it.

How Is It Treated?

Drugs are used to relieve symptoms. Antiviral drugs prescribed are - Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza). Our normal Antibiotics don’t work in case of swine flu because the source of infection here is a virus and not bacteria.  however the virus is likely to develops resistance to these drugs when used more and more.

If you are suffering from this deadly flu, keep yourself hydrated with water and liquids like soup and juices. Take sufficient rest and sleep as much as possible as sleeping helps to strengthen our immune system and helps fight infection faster.

Other treatments that can be helpful is use of nutritional medicines i.e. supplements which will support the body by giving necessary boost to overcome this ordeal. These nutritional supplements have a chance to work as they complement our innate buildup. These nutritional supplements strengthen the mucosal barriers of the respiratory tract and digestive tract, which is a prime site for infections to start and viruses to enter. 

The supplements that can be used are-

·         Whey protein supplements – as proteins do all the building and maintenance work around the body.

·         Colostrum's supplementscolostrum is the yellowish secretion found in the first of mother’s milk and is considered to be nutritionally dense and a nectar for the baby as the compounds in it builds up the child’s immunity and protects from all sort of exposures. Research shows that these supplements are 3 times more effective than vaccine.

·         B-complex, vitamin C and iron supplements.

What Precautions Will Stop Swine Flu From Spreading?

1.      First and most important, is to be well informed so that we can fight it together and well.
2.      Maintain proper hygiene and sanitation. Wash hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol based sanitizers.
3.      If you are ill, better stay at home and rest. Avoid crowded places and social circles.
4.      When sneezing or coughing cover your mouth, because droplets of coughs and sneezes are the sure shot way in which these viruses travel and infect others.
5.      If anyone in your family is ill, all should not get involved in caring for that person but a single person should be appointed and other family member should minimize their contact.
6.      Even if you have slight cold and fever, get it checked by doctor and start treatment as soon as possible. Do not neglect any health issue especially in children and elderly.
7.      Refrain from eating out especially roadside foods, which are left uncovered and open for virus to infect.
8.      Keep your surroundings clean and hygienic and get yourself vaccinated. 

Falling ill may not be in our hands but we surely can try to protect ourselves as well as equip ourselves to fight if time may come, for ourselves and others who may need our help.

To healthy living!

 (also read the post on - 10-foods-that-help-during-swine-flu)

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