Wednesday 25 February 2015

10 Foods That Help During Swine flu And Other Influenza's.

1.       Fresh Vegetable and Fruits Juices- which are rich in anti oxidants and immune boosting nutrients like vitamin c and more.  Juices also help to keep one hydrated however they should not be taken chilled or cold. Freshly prepared juices should be preferred over packed commercial ones.
Vitamin C exerts a virucidal effect; it works like tamiflu and deactivates neuraminidase, which is required for their replication.

2.       Chicken Soup- hot chicken soup is a treat for a sore throat. It improves the function of cilia lining the nasal passages. These cilia are tiny hair like structures which trap bacteria and virus entering the body. Chicken is a source of good proteins, which help in repair and maintenance of the body tissue. Further, chicken soup is nourishing and soothing.

3.       Dhal and Dhal Soups- good source of proteins and nutrients especially B-complex vitamins that provide energy to support healing. They are soothing and hydrating. A seasoning of ginger and garlic makes it even better. 

4.       Garlic - has antimicrobial properties and also stimulate immune function. It adds flavor to food and relieves congestion

5.       Ginger – reduces inflammation and is also very helpful in soothing nausea and stomach aches. Ginger juice with honey helps soothe cough.  Ginger can be added to foods powdered or grated. Ginger tea is also a good option or flat ginger ale works wonders. In case of severe cold drink hot after with 2 tbsp of ginger, chopped or grated, soaked two to three times a day.

6.       Tea – green or black – is soothing and hydrating. The hot vapors rising from a freshly brewed tea relieves congestion. Tea, of any kind, is packed with anti oxidants i.e. the flavonoids which helps fight infection and strengthens immunity. Tea with a tsp of honey and juice of I small lemon will help relive sore throat.

7.       Banana- can be useful during flu as it is easy to digest and filling. It also relieves nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 

8.       Almonds and Walnuts- are packed with nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are rich source of omega 3 and varied antioxidants which reduce inflammation and improve immune function.

9.       Turmeric – is very effective medicinal herb when sick because of its antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Also contains a substance known as lipopolysaccharide, which helps stimulate the body’s immune system. 1 tsp of Turmeric in a hot glass of milk or water per day is soothing to sore throat and also relieves congestion.

10.  Apples - Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin which has been found to boost and build our immune system. Fiber in apples helps relieve constipation as well as diarrhea, which is commonly experienced with flu. 

To healthy living !

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